Singaporeans just love to complain?


In due of the recent General Election in Singapore, the country has seem to be very divided. The people has been divided into 3 parties: Pro-opposition, pro-PAP and pro-stability. The concerns are not unreasonable; higher cost of living, Expensive HDBs and the influx of Foreign Talents are among the top COMPLAINS of Singaporeans.

I love to read the news on Yahoo! Singapore, especially the comments segment. But these days, reading it has made me feel that Singaporeans are not only UNGRATEFUL, but they are also LOSERS and huge LOSERS too. Singaporeans are just to SELFISH.

“Why?” You may ask. Simply, they complain about people who are richer than them and laugh at those who are poorer than them. An example? Well, just look at the Royal Couple’s honeymoon. Singaporeans can go all they way out to comment that “they are wasting tax payers money”, that “they are not of concern” and one even commented that “they are lucky to be royals, no need to worry about paying taxes, higher cost of living and housing. They live in palaces, not enough money, commoners pay…”.

Upon reading the news “Microsoft takes over Skype”, the comments are much more interesting. I won’t name names, just quote them from the comment section. The comments ranges from “so will I have to pay for skype, so that bill gates get richer?” to “so a multi-billionair is set to make more billions, while poor people like us can look at the increasing cost of living?” and “why only the rich get richer and the genius brain cells, while the poor like us don’t?”

Oh, it makes me feel that the PAP has done wrong too! What did they do wrong? SPOON FEEDING Singaporeans.

Enlighten me, please. Which country in the world gives rebate, in the form of payouts, to its citizens for increasing GST? It is just 7%…please, New Zealand’s GST is 15% and no rebate, payouts. 

Which country gives money to the citizens during the budget review? Give funds to the poor? Sorry, as far as I am concerned, I know Japan doesn’t. In Japan, if you are poor, go and farm. If not, you are just  a failure who does not deserve a place in society.

In America and Europe, you have pension, but ulimately, you are just another failure in society that people are glad to do without, for they do not have to bear your pension. Life is such.

The government, formed mainly by PAP, have done so much to improve the standing of Singapore internationally. Yet, Singaporeans are unhappy and ask for more – UNGRATEFUL. When they see people getting richer, or are richer than them, they bitch and pass sarcastic remarks – LOSERS, big LOSERS! When people are rich, hardworking, clever, they want them to share their profits, success, maybe even grades (?) with people of lesser capabilities – SELFISH.

I feel that Singapore has developed too fast. It advanced too fast, that the people’s mentality did not advance with it.

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